Life-Changing Events: Navigating the Seas of Transition

August 11, 2023

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Life is a journey; along the way, we encounter moments that redefine who we are and how we perceive the world around us. These life-changing events can be both exhilarating and challenging, pushing us to grow, adapt, and embrace new chapters with open arms. From stepping away from work to facing a life-altering illness or watching our children spread their wings, each event leaves an indelible mark on our lives.

The Art of Retiring

After years of dedication and hard work, the moment comes when we weigh anchor from the daily grind. Retirement, while often anticipated, can still unleash a mix of emotions – excitement for the freedom ahead and nostalgia for the camaraderie left behind. As the 9-to-5 routine fades, new opportunities arise, from pursuing long-dreamt passions to relishing in the simple joys of life. The challenge lies in navigating the uncharted waters of a retired existence and finding fulfilment in the absence of a familiar career.

And so this is what both Grace and I face. We are proud of what we have created with the Annabel & Grace magazine, but for both of us, it is time to hand over our ‘baby’ to someone who can take it to the next level.

Running an online magazine has taught us so much, from the technical side to learning about the lives of other like-minded women. It has kept our brains ticking over, and we have enjoyed all the positive feedback we have received from our readers (we only had 3 negative comments in almost fourteen years). When we began in 2010, we had no idea where it was going to take us. We were one of the first online magazines for women over 50 and have received awards for our work. But now we are over 60 and 70 respectively and want to try new things.

What is ahead for us?

Grace is going to take a well-earned rest for a few weeks before embarking on new projects. She is also looking forward to having more time to see family and friends and has dusted off her oil paints with a view to spending many absorbing hours in front of a canvas.

I am helping organise my youngest daughter’s wedding and have at least one, if not three more weddings in the offing as my other three children look set to take the plunge. Perhaps we will be lucky enough to hear the patter of little feet soon. My husband and I hope to do more travelling and perhaps even make a home abroad for part of the year. The weather this summer has made us more determined to do this. I hope to continue with some writing in some form. Both Grace and I have loved refining that skill.

It is exciting and a little unnerving to have to let go of A&G but we think it will be in safe hands with Rest Less as the new owners. We will be following Rest Less, and maybe we will meet up with some of you at a few of their online events.

Thank you

The most important thing is to say a big thank you to all of you, the contributors, the readers and the companies that have brought their products or services to our attention.

With every life-changing event, we learn to embrace uncertainty, chart new courses, and sail forward with the winds of change propelling us.

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