Cost of living resources

With the cost of everyday essentials rising faster than the average household income, many of us are feeling the strain. We’ve put together some money-saving resources which you might find helpful during this difficult time.

Learning - free tips and resources

It’s never too late to learn something new and there are plenty of ways to learn for free. If you’re considering returning to university or college, there’s also help and support out there for you, which you can find out about in our guide.

Free or cheap hobbies and activities

If you’re looking to get involved in some new hobbies or activities but want to keep costs down, then the good news is that there’s still lots to choose from. From birdwatching to taking on DIY craft projects at home, we’ve put together a few ideas.

Affordable ways to improve your living space

Whether you want to spruce up your home on a budget or start growing fruit and vegetables in a window box, there are plenty of ways you can make your living space more practical and beautiful without breaking the bank.

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