If you haven’t already checked it out, Rest Less Events is our virtual community and events platform. All sessions are run through Zoom and cover a vast range of topics.

With around 100 events running monthly – from tech workshops to travel talks – there’s surely something to interest you.

Below, we’ve pulled together some of our most exciting events coming up in July.

1. Drawing Gardens & Outdoor Spaces

When? Monday 1st at 6:00pm

Join London-based artist Caitlin Heslop for this one-off session on capturing the beauty of our gardens and outdoor spaces.

To get involved, simply come along with some paper, a colourful medium of your choice (such as pastels or watercolours), and a photograph of your outdoor space. Or, if you’re lucky enough to have a garden, you could even position yourself next to a window that looks out onto it.

2. Inside The Mind of a Murderer

When? Tuesday 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd at 11:30am

Are you a fan of true crime? Or have you ever asked yourself questions like: why do people commit murder? And what is a psychopath? If so, this next event could be for you.

In this four-part series, ex-detective Steve takes us on a journey into the mind of a murderer. Each session will focus on a different topic – such as offender profiling and the psychology of aggression. There will also be opportunities for voluntary participation if you’re in the mood for something interactive.

3. Tales from the Elizabethan Underworld – A Warning To Country Folk

When? Tuesday 2nd at 4:00pm

Another unique look into the criminal underbelly of society, this event examines all the cons, swindles, and outright thievery country folk were subjected to in 16th-century London. Both shocking and amusing, this event takes a lighter approach to the true crime genre.

4. Become more creative in 60 minutes

When? Tuesday 2nd at 7:30pm

Creativity isn’t just about making art, it can also help us solve problems more effectively, communicate better, and think outside the box in every aspect of our lives. So, if you want to boost your creativity, why not tune into this event with author Mick Mahoney?

Mick will take us through nine key behaviours that can help us embrace our creativity and offer tips for incorporating them into our daily lives. To get an idea of what to expect, why not read our interview with Mick’s writing partner Kevin Chesters?

Become more creative in 60 minutes

5. Using Technology for Travel Planning

When? Wednesdays 3rd and 17th at 10:00am

From finding the cheapest flights and best hotels to organising your itinerary, travel planning can involve a lot of work. But luckily there are plenty of technological tools out there to help us.

In these sessions, the 3 Discovery Team will take Rest Less Events members through some handy solutions for organising their next getaway. As well as covering how to book flights and hotels online, they’ll also show us how to harness the power of AI to help plan the perfect trip.

6. Visiting Vietnam

When? Wednesday 3rd at 4:00pm

From the mesmerising emerald waters of Halong Bay to the lively markets of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam has plenty to satisfy travellers. But if you want to get a taste of this unique country from home, why not tune into this next event?

In Visiting Vietnam, adventurer Sue Ablett retraces a trip she made back in 2007. As well as insights into popular sights, Sue offers personal stories from her own experiences.

7. Exploring Portugal

When? Thursday 4th at 11:30am

If a European getaway is more up your street, you could check out this virtual tour. Dr Lillian Cespedes Gonzalez takes Rest Less Events members on a journey through different parts of the country, exploring its diverse landscapes, history, traditions, and food.

While some of this tour will take place in Lisbon, much of it focuses on some of the smaller, more charming towns and villages, such as Braga and Coimbra. So expect some ideas for hidden gems to explore on your next getaway.

Exploring Portugal

8. Home of the Brave: American Classical Composers

When? Thursday 4th at 4:00pm

To mark U.S. Independence Day, music aficionado Claire introduces us to three of America’s most acclaimed composers: George Gershwin, Aaron Copland, and Leonard Bernstein.

9. Cruising the Norwegian Fjords

When? Friday 5th at 11:30am

With quaint fishing villages, lush forests, and fascinating Viking history, there are plenty of reasons to visit Norway. But the jewel in this country’s tourism crown is undoubtedly its famous fjords. And there’s no better way to experience them than by boat.

Join host Amee as she tells us about her seven-day P&O cruise along the Norwegian fjords. As well as introducing us to the ship and the different stops, she’ll also talk about the fjords themselves and how they were formed. Perfect for anyone considering a Scandinavian adventure!

10. Unlocking the Secrets of Tarot – A Journey through History and Practice

When? Friday 5th at 2:30pm

If you’re interested in unravelling the mysteries of tarot, why not join this one-off event? From mediaeval Europe to its modern-day significance, host Sally charts the evolution of this unique practice and explores its connections to psychology, mythology, and spirituality.

Attendees will also learn some practical applications of tarot, including how to use it for personal growth and self-reflection.

Unlocking the Secrets of Tarot – A Journey through History and Practice

11. Summer of Love

When? Fridays 5th and 19th at 4:00pm

Often called the ‘Summer of Love’, 1967 was a golden year for hippy culture – especially in the sunny city of San Francisco. It was a high point for music too, with the likes of Cream, Jimi Hendrix and the Beatles releasing some iconic tracks.

Throughout these two sessions, music maestro Clive showcases some of the peace and love anthems of this memorable year.

12. Hidden Gems of Spain

When? Fridays at 6:30pm

As the most visited country by Brits, many of us know at least a little about Spain’s tourist hotspots. But it’s also one of the largest countries in Europe, so there are plenty of hidden gems you might not have heard of.

Over the course of six sessions, host Kelsey takes us on virtual tours through some of the overlooked (but no less amazing) destinations in Spain. From Peñiscol, a captivating coastal town, to Bétera, a unique countryside oasis, these destinations are sure to charm you.

13. All About Tea

When? Mondays 8th and 22nd at 4:00pm

Have you ever wondered why the British love tea so much? If so, tune into this unique journey into the past. In the first of these two events, host Sandy explores the history of our nation’s favourite hot beverage, including its role in both World Wars.

Then, in part two, get ready to learn about The Great Tea Robbery, when a Victorian botanist sneaked into China (a land forbidden to foreigners) to discover how they grew and manufactured tea. As Sandy describes, this tale could be “the greatest theft of trade secrets in the history of mankind”.

All About Tea

14. Charlie Chaplin – A Kennington Kid

When? Tuesday 9th at 4:00pm

Through his on-screen persona, the Tramp, Charlie Chaplin became the icon of the silent film industry in the early 20th century. However, did you know that his early life in Kennington was one of great hardship?

In this talk, host David takes us on a tour of South London, stopping off at some of the most influential places from Charlie Chaplin’s childhood. These include the houses he lived in and the pub where he last saw his father alive. David will also dive into some of Chaplin’s famous works, and how his turbulent upbringing influenced them.

15. Healthy Bones, Healthy Life: Menopause and Osteoporosis

When? Tuesday 9th at 7:30pm

If you’re curious about maintaining your bone health during menopause, check out this informative webinar from My Menopause Centre.

Throughout the hour, co-founders Dr Clare Spencer and Helen Normoyle will talk to endocrinologist Dr Afroze Abbas about osteoporosis and how it’s related to menopause. They’ll also offer tips on looking after your bones, before moving on to some questions from the audience.

16. Exploring Abstract Art

When? Thursdays 11th and 18th at 11:30am

Abstractionism is one of the most mystifying types of art – but also one of the most powerful. But what is it and how did it come about?

In the first of these two talks, host Antonia discusses the emergence of abstract art in the early 20th century – including what influenced early pioneers of the genre, such as Picasso and Kandinsky. Next, she’ll cross the pond to talk about Abstract Expressionism in the U.S., including in-depth analyses of works by Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko.

Exploring Abstract Art

17. British Piers: An illustrated story of their history and future

When? Thursday 11th at 4:00pm

From the dazzling amusements of Blackpool’s South Pier to the eerie skeleton of Brighton’s West Pier, these unique structures have been an iconic part of the British coast for centuries.

In this illustrated talk, fine art photographer Janine delves deep into the history of piers and contemplates their future. As well as fascinating facts and historical images, we’ll also be treated to a selection of Janine’s own award-winning photographs and films.

If you enjoyed our previous series on the Great British Seaside Experience, this is a perfect opportunity to learn more.

18. The American Piano

When? Friday 12th at 4:00pm

Ring your Friday evening in the right way with this concert from pianist Beatrice Nicholas. Featuring a collection of classical, Broadway, and ragtime pieces from the likes of George Gershwin and Scott Joplin, there’s sure to be something for everyone here.

19. Dining with Chaucer’s Pilgrims

When? Tuesday 16th at 4:00pm

Food is one of the most important aspects of anyone’s daily life – and it has been for millennia. But when we study history, we often overlook what people ate and drank in favour of topics like war and scandal. However, food can provide an interesting way to learn about times gone by.

Using Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales as a point of reference, Judith takes us inside the kitchens of the rich and the poor alike, revealing the strange differences and eerie similarities between modern dining and the culinary practices of the past.

Dining with Chaucer’s Pilgrims

20. Blenheim Palace and the First Duke and Duchess of Marlborough

When? Thursdays 18th and 25th at 4:00pm

Join published historian Melanie King as she shares the origins of one of the UK’s grandest buildings: Blenheim Palace. Over these two sessions, we’ll learn about this magnificent residence through the lives of its first inhabitants: the 1st Duke and Duchess of Marlborough.

Melanie’s first session will focus on the Duke, John Churchill (ancestor of Winston Churchill), one of the era’s greatest military geniuses. Next, she’ll move on to his wife, Sarah, who led an interesting life in her own right.

21. Exploring Bulgaria

When? Friday 19th at 12:00pm

In this next event, fan favourite host Dr Lillian Cespedes Gonzalez leads us on a whistle-stop tour of one of Europe’s lesser-known treasures: Bulgaria. Focusing on the capital city of Sofia, we’ll visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites like the Rila Monastery while learning about the country’s unique culture.

22. Johnny Hart: International Star of Magic

When? Tuesday 23rd at 4:00pm

Each month on Rest Less Events, speaker Steve leads us behind the curtain and into the lives of some of the UK’s best-loved magicians and entertainers of yesteryear. And July’s session focuses on Johnny Hart; a young magician famous for pulling birds out of his coat.

Throughout the hour, Steve will take us from Johnny’s humble beginnings in Lancaster to his rise to stardom in Las Vegas.

Johnny Hart: International Star of Magic

23. The Real History of the Crusades

When? Thursday 25th at 11:30am

The Crusades were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims that took place from 1096 to 1291. And, as published historian Jem Duducu writes, they’re “one of the most significant and misunderstood events in mediaeval history”.

To unlock the secret of these conflicts, tune into the first of Jem’s two-part talk on the history of the Crusades – with the second part following in August.

24. What are you reading?

When? Monday 29th at 2:30pm

If you’re a literature lover who’s always on the lookout for your next read, you might want to check out this community event where members share what’s on their nightstands.

This informal chat group welcomes readers of all kinds of literature – from non-fiction and news articles to poetry and plays.

25. Entertaining Troops: Stories From The ‘Theatres’ of War

When? Tuesday 30th at 11:30am

During the Second World War, organisations like the Entertainments National Service Association (ENSA) staged plenty of performances to entertain our troops. In fact, a Noël Coward play even premiered at a prisoner-of-war camp in Germany.

This talk from host Pete shines a light on these stories, proving that the show must go on, even through history’s darkest chapters.

Entertaining Troops: Stories From The ‘Theatres’ of War

26. Drunk for 1d, Dead Drunk for 2d – The Glorious Revolution & the Gin Craze

When? Tuesday 30th at 4:00pm

Nowadays in the UK, we’re pretty partial to a G&T. But in the 18th century, the spirit caused a stir when its popularity swept across the country. As Sky History writes, “In over-crowded, slum-ridden Georgian London, gin was the opium of the people,” and it was blamed for a variety of social issues, including increased crime and death rates.

In this one-off talk, host Sandy dives deep into this little-known period of English history – including how the events of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and England’s new king, William of Orange, contributed to it.

27. A Beginner's Introduction to Google Sheets

When? Wednesday 31st at 10:00am

Nowadays, spreadsheets are a key part of many people’s work days. However, they can also come in handy in other aspects of our lives. For example, they can help us organise our finances, plan holidays, and generally keep on top of our life admin.

With this in mind, tech wizz Ciaran returns to Rest Less Events with this introductory workshop. Throughout the session, you’ll learn how to navigate Google Sheets, enter data, and use some handy functions. It’s a must for anyone looking to gain some digital skills.

Final thoughts…

From insights into little-known periods of history to workshops designed to boost your digital skills, we hope this list gives you an idea of what Rest Less Events you can join this July.

However, with around 100 sessions running every month, we can’t possibly cover them all here. So why not check out our calendar to discover what else is coming up?

Our free membership offers users two events per month (and if you miss the ones you sign up for, you can always watch the recordings afterwards). Or, for unlimited access to everything that Rest Less Events offers, you can upgrade to our premium membership for just £6.99 per month.

Are you a Rest Less Events member? If so, which ones have you enjoyed? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.