A weekend of Doodle(s)

March 17, 2016

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

I said I wouldn’t, OH and I vowed not to ever do it again, we announced to our friends that we weren’t going to, but we have folded and, after an emotional conversation (read blackmail), with our youngest son and daughter we have agreed to get another puppy – a Doodle!

What can I write to restore your faith in my word? Nothing I think. I have to admit to being weak, emotionally susceptible to my children’s wishes and all I can say, to justify my weakness, is that it has made our family very happy to hear the words, “we have bought a puppy and he is arriving during the first week of May.”

It was just one of those instances where fate played a hand in our decision. Our beloved Field Spaniel, Fudge, died on Valentine’s day and whilst we had another dog, Barney, both he and our children did not like the void that the death of Fudge had left. Whilst OH and I are enjoying the company of just one dog who is small and fits in anywhere, we are in a minority. So when we met youngest son and daughter for lunch on Saturday we were ambushed. The breed of dog that we wanted was established, an Australian Double Doodle, which is not a breed really but a mongrel however a very fine mongrel – an Australian Labradoodle crossed with a Golden Doodle (a Golden Retriever/Poodle cross)! We started to search for puppies that were available soon (son wants to bond with it during the university summer holidays) and believe it or not, as we searched, a litter was advertised 3 seconds before we went online. That was fate no. 1 and then fate no. 2 occurred when we walked into town on Sunday afternoon and coincidentally met one aged 21 weeks. Up until that moment OH was not sold on our choice of breed but immediately fell in love (see pic on right) and you can understand why. So then there was the frantic researching of references for the breeder, a long telephone conversation with the said breeder where we were both interviewing each other. Finally an exchange of a deposit and the family were informed – there was much whooping with delight.

Two trips are planned to Lancashire (255 miles according to Google maps) – why aren’t they ever bred nearby? Finally a dusting off of the required cage, a cancelling of all social engagements for May and June and we are ready to roll. Now begins the fight over the name but as it is going to be my son’s dog then he will get the final vote. At least it is a good time to get a puppy, the sun will shine, hopefully, so house training will be easier than a winter puppy and the joy he will bring will outweigh the hard work!

Still as my children show no sign of giving us any grandchildren we shall have to make do with our Double Doodle!

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