A strangely liberating experience

April 2, 2016

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

A girlfriend and I have just returned from spending a midweek break in the lovely city of Madrid which, from my point of view, turned out to be slightly more challenging than I had imagined.

Our journey with Easyjet was excellent – easy check in at Gatwick, glass of fizz to get us in the mood (neither of us are particularly happy fliers, probably because we are both control freaks!) and arrived bang on time in Madrid ready for a delicious supper in a tapas restaurant. Well, we might have been in Madrid but, sadly, my luggage was still at Gatwick!

Normally, I would only ever take cabin baggage for a few days, but my girlfriend always puts her case in the hold – she says, at her age, everything she needs simply won’t fit into a small piece of hand baggage, so I decided that I might as well relax and do the same….big mistake!

The Easyjet desk at Madrid were very helpful and assured me that there were two more flights coming in the same evening, and that they would immediately contact Gatwick, and my bag should be delivered to our hotel the following morning. Having got my head around the fact that I stupidly, on this occasion, had put everything in the hold, including two vital items – rollers and phone charger – I relaxed, feeling sure my bag would turn up the following day.

The following morning there was no sign of my suitcase, of course. The hotel could not have been more helpful and, while we went on an expedition to buy me some basics (the Spanish for knickers is “bragas” by the way!), they rang the airport to chase Easyjet.

To cut a long story short, my luggage did finally turn up, three days later, the evening before we were due to return home. I never did unpack! And, as I told Grace, once I’d got my head round it, I found the whole experience strangely liberating, not having to worry about what to wear and realising how much stuff we tend to take with us when we go away “just in case”.

Having said that, the sun shone all day, every day, and the humidity was very low, so my hair didn’t go frizzy, otherwise I might have felt differently!

Also, another bonus, no washing when I got home.

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