SASSY finds short men in viz jackets do not hit the spot…

June 7, 2013

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Have been to a few Spice events now and it’s good to get out, admittedly the events I have been to the balance has been heavily weighted on the female side but I didn’t join specifically to find a man, it is not meant as a dating avenue but it has been good to get out and socialise instead of just staying in with a glass of wine and the TV.

I am still look at dating sites and hoping my prince will just pop up out of the page and grab me!

I know I’m not exactly statuesque but where have all these short men come from??? Ok so posting your pic in a high viz jacket? Who exactly is this aiming to attract or does he just want to be seen?

One thing I miss whilst I am on my own is Saturday duvet action ……. changing a king size duvet on your own is no fun! It used to be a ritual on a Saturday morning – all beds stripped off, all windows opened and then I would whisk around like a whirling dervish! But we always did our bed together, putting on sheets and pillowcases was always a race, and then the cover and we’d lift it and fluff it and often fall back on the beautifully made bed for a cuddle or pillow fight. There has been no duvet action in my house for a long while, even though my sheets are always impeccably clean!

Oldest son is now 18 years old and a big family gathering to celebrate his birthday all went remarkably well and was a splendid day, lots of thoughtful and memorable gifts from both parents and a feast enjoyed. We are also planning a big party for so his friends can celebrate his big birthday with him when the exams are over, plus a holiday a trois when we can squeeze one in as both boys seem to have lined up work experience which is good news.

So……. a couple of dates!!! First one was charming, super intelligent, very cute and a very long evening as we were both never short of things to say  – who knows if that will lead somewhere?

Next date came after a week of flirting by text and phone; we finally meet and it ‘s a let down as there was just no chemistry.

Spending more time with the children means more days out and much more fun but I am in charge of monies, tickets etc which is a new experience as in my old life it was not usually me. But with exams looming I am just happy that they are choosing to be with me – even though my knowledge of sciences is practically zero!

EH and I continue to have our run ins – we can have weeks of being perfectly pleasant and then the slightest thing, this time his colour choice for one of the bathrooms had me yelling and him screaming obscenities. How did we come to this????

Another downside of being alone is household bills! I never had to pay them before and being chased for a gas bill from the previous flat, because the inventory clerk didn’t pass on the meter readings, together with a 1 month account in the new place for hundreds of pounds because the boiler had a faulty thermostat have been an baptism by fire. And are British Gas sympathetic to all this – what do you think?

Driving today in my car I heard the superb Barbra Streisand and Donna Summer singing Enough is Enough. I think I may have blown my speakers as I yanked it up to FULL volume and sang my little heart out. I am not sure what anyone watching me would have thought but god it felt good! Talking of which I have just downed one of those yummy, delicious, scrumptious, melt-in-the-middle, gooey, chocolate puddings ….. ooohhh – nearest thing to having sex I have had in a long time!!!!!

Summer is here and not a moment too soon as it will soon be the equinox and days will get shorter and long, lonely winter evenings will be back

Note to self: Find man urgently before winter!

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