The sun is shining, life is good

April 3, 2015

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Well the sun is once again shining and my spirits have lifted. I always adore this time of year anyway – the signs of Spring are definitely here and more sunny days. I am not sure if it is because my divorce has finally been finalised, but I feel as though a great weight has lifted – I am back to full health and definitely have a spring in my step and a smile on my face.

I have resolved not to go down the internet route again – EVER!! It does nothing for my self esteem and I just end up feeling miserable and it is sooooo time consuming! I am happy with my life and happy inside my soul, which I haven’t been for a VERY long time.

BFF and I went away for a weekend break (long story – she booked it for her and her man, but they split up, so she asked me. They are now back together but I still get to go -RESULT!) It was in Corsham – a beautiful little town where I discovered they film Poldark. We walked around Corsham Court (see photograph) and enjoyed their gardens – a riot of colour already with magnificent magnolias in full bloom – bleating lambs and warm Cotswold stone. If only Cap’n Poldark himself had been there to welcome me with open arms, my weekend would have been complete!! The following morning after a hearty full English (delicious), we headed off to Lacock where they filmed – among a host of things – Larkrise to Candleford and parts of Harry Potter. It is just sooo quaint and the village is owned by the National Trust. We meandered for ages – quirky little shops and then the stunning Abbey before stopping at a beautiful pub for – unbelievably – a full Sunday roast. Good job weekends like this are rare!
I am now getting final works done on my little cosy home.  New floorings, an update to the bathrooms and some work in the garden. I feel so settled here. It feels like I have been here for such a long time – in reality less than 18 months. I’m working flat out – we having been trying to recruit two new members at work which mean extra hours to be covered, plus the normal run of sickness and holidays, so I have been really busy there. I have also started volunteering at the local hospice and the local theatre – they will both be fulfilling additions to my life and I have already met such wonderful people.

Life is suddenly good – I speak with both my boys regularly and enjoy their news and stories. My life is filling again and the sun is shining – watch out world I’m comin’ back at you!!

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