Feel inspired to whip your garden into shape

April 5, 2022

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

This month The Joy Club wants to inspire us to whip our gardens into shape with expert advice from their special guest speakers. Definitely worth listening to what they have to say – and you can do it absolutely free. As an A&G reader you are entitled to one month of FREE premium membership which will give you unlimited access to all Joy Club sessions and enable you to chat with other members. Use code A&GBONUSJOY – click here to join

Happy April!  We are embracing the arrival of daffodils, baby lambs and all the new beginnings in nature with open arms over at The Joy Club. What a treat to finally see some sunnier skies knowing that Easter is just around the corner? If you’re looking for some inspiration to dig out your gardening gloves and get things blooming, look no further than our fantastic lineup of events this April. You can expect expert gardeners sharing their tips and the return of our best-loved creative workshops – here’s a preview of our busy events calendar this month…

A Garden at Hampton Court Festival – meet the designer!

We are delighted to be joined by garden designer Zavier Kwek, who will be collaborating with The Joy Club to create a garden at this year’s RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival in July. Zavier is designing a garden that highlights the powerful impact that social connection and community has on us. In this talk, Zavier will share some of his design principles as a gardener and will introduce this exciting partnership venture. Join to hear more from Zavier in this talk on Tuesday 12th April at 10.30am

How can you prepare your garden for spring?

Heading towards the end of April, we’ve got you covered for all your outdoor gardening needs. In this talk, professional gardener Katie Boughen will be sharing her passion for cultivating beautiful green spaces with you. During her talk, you can expect to hear Katie’s top tips for maintaining and revitalising your garden including: pruning advice; good things to plant this time of year and where to plant them; and what to look for when buying soil and soil-improver recommendations. You are warmly invited to join this event on Friday 29th April at 10am with Katie. Bring any questions or gardening dilemmas you have – we can’t wait to see you there!

Creative writing classes with Grace Palmer

“I would urge everyone to give this class a try, it’s a really safe and gentle space to learn a new skill and you never know where it may take you.”

This is just one of the many glowing reviews from members about our regular creative writing classes with Grace Palmer. One of our most popular sessions, these workshops take place every Tuesday afternoon and are exploratory, gentle and supportive. Each week you will be guided through a look at different texts, given craft advice and writing prompts. The idea is that by sharing your work in small groups you will feel supported in your development and gain valuable feedback from one another. From poetry to short stories, each stand-alone class has been designed to focus on something new. Learn technique, practise your skills and carve out time in your week dedicated to writing creatively.

About The Joy Club

The Joy Club is an online activity club that provides inspiration for a joyful retirement. Members can try something new at live online events every weekday, find inspiration with our uplifting member-only articles and videos, and have your say with a community of like-minded people in our forum. So whether you’d like to try your hand at crafting, practice Tai Chi or join an expert talk – or perhaps you’d prefer to grab a cuppa and settle in to read our latest member interview – there’s something to bring you joy at The Joy Club. Membership is open to anyone living in the UK who is retired or semi-retired.

“I’ve only been a member since Christmas but have already been on quite a number of different Zoom activities and I’m very happy to say I’ve really enjoyed every one of them!” LINDSEY

Why not give it a go? Join The Joy Club for free today!

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