Dry January – If You’re Planning on Giving Up Booze, Read on

December 20, 2019

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

It may just be me, but now that I’m (well) past 60 I’m not quite so good at dealing with hangovers as I once was. Which is why I have quite happily decided to go on the wagon for (at least) one month. If you’re also planning a Dry January, what to drink come the first day of 2020?

My self control needs keeping a close eye on. I find I am particularly weak at the end of the day when only a glass of wine seems to fit the bill… a bit like a reward for working hard since breakfast. But I have a clever ploy – when that “nothing but a glass of wine will do” feeling comes over me, I am going to rush upstairs and brush my teeth. The taste of peppermint clashes with the taste of wine and suddenly a glass of Sauvignon doesn’t seem like such a brilliant idea!

So, if we can’t glug back a crisp dry Viognier, warming Merlot or zesty G&T, what should pass our lips? You could try a refreshing Gunner. Technically it isn’t non alcoholic because it includes Angostura bitters which is 44.7% alcohol by volume. But it is just the merest dash and so I’m going to include it anyway. Here’s how you make one:

Serves 2
In a tumbler, pour in ginger beer and top up with the juice of quarter of a fresh lime lime and a few drops of Angostura Bitters.

Pomegranate mojito
Ingredients makes 1.5 litres
Large bunch mint
2 limes, quartered, plus slices to garnish
1l pomegranate juice
500ml lemonade

Reserve half the mint for serving, and tear the rest into a large jug with the lime quarters. Using a rolling pin, bash the mint and lime to release the flavours. Add the pomegranate juice and lemonade. Put ice cubes in each glass, then strain over the pomegranate mix through a small sieve. Garnish with lime slices and more mint.

Like Indian food? Well a lassi is perfect with a spicy curry:

Ingredients serves 6
low fat yogurt
a few toasted cumin seeds
a little chopped fresh coriander

Whisk equal amounts of low-fat yogurt with water using a balloon whisk to create a frothy foam, then serve sprinkled with a few toasted cumin seeds and a little chopped fresh coriander.

Or try a Bonny Lassi which features mango… yum.

I rarely drink beer but have easily taken to having a small bottle of an alcohol free version which, to my delight, contains few calories and really makes you feel as if you are off the wagon! Would recommend two brands: Becks Blue and Heineken – both of which are easily available at supermarkets.

And if you feel like you need a G&T, then try Seedlip alcohol free drinks which we drink all year round at home because they are super delish. They are the world’s first distilled non-alcoholic drinks and have no calories either. Fabulously dry and the bottles are some of the most attractive I have seen in a long time which makes these particular drinks feel like a real treat when you have them. I have found Tesco is usually the cheapest place to buy yourself a bottle…

Finally, for three ways to pep up a plain glass of water (and boost your metabolism), click here now

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