We’re midlife risers!

May 29, 2014

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

With 61% of over-45s feeling happy with their lot, researchers are calling our generation the midlife risers.

According to research, we are content, confident, fulfilled and have strong familial and friend relationships, scoring well on Carl Jung’s five elements of happiness:

  1. Good personal and intimate relationships
  2. Good physical and mental health
  3. Good standard of living and work and an appreciation of art and nature
  4. Awareness of world issues and news
  5. Ability to cope with the ups and down of life

Instead of becoming invisible, midlife risers are the new aspiration generation, full of confidence, energy and ambitions with the added benefits of wisdom and self-assurance. And we are far from being luddites either – midlife risers are pretty techy these days, the majority of us are at ease with the digital age and use Skype, Facebook and mobiles. 

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