Everyone’s talking about Olaplex

September 10, 2016

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

I have naturally curly hair. I am also, as all my friends will testify, a complete hair bore. I check humidity levels daily which dictates when my little dog gets a walk, although I do have a hat which I can fit three rollers under and, yes, I do get strange looks when the temperature is in the 70’s! Also, as I have got older the texture of my hair has changed, it’s become softer and more frizzy and, without the constant use of rollers, blow drying, straighteners and numerous products, I always look as though I’ve had a very bad perm. So when I heard about a product called Olaplex, my ears pricked up. It is called the Holy Grail of treatments in that it actually rebuilds the bonds in your hair which get broken due to all the damage we inflict on our hair, particularly coloured hair, and I don’t think I know anybody who doesn’t have highlights.

It is not a hair conditioning treatment which only works on the surface of the hair. If we think of a strand of hair as a ladder, over time some of the rungs break, and Olaplex actually builds new rungs which strengthens and revitalises the hair and makes it shiny and more manageable like the hair we used to have 20 years ago. Apparently kookie Gwyneth Paltrow is a big fan – not that that’s a recommendation!

I had my first treatment yesterday and I really do notice a difference. At the backwash they put this gloop on my dry hair, no smell. Left for five mins. Then they add another gloop. Left for 20 mins. Back to have hair washed and blowdried as normal. Prices vary from salon to salon, but I paid a very reasonable £25 at Toni & Guy. You then use Hair Perfector no.3 at home once a week. Even after one treatment my hair feels bouncier and stronger and, yes, as I write, I do have my rollers in!

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