Banana and Pineapple Green juice

January 29, 2016

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

I know that I have said in the past that I do not want to do anything radical in the fitness and health department however this is a good way to start your day and it will also introduce the idea of a healthier diet slowly to your body!



Banana and Pineapple Green juice

1 banana
1 cup frozen pineapple
2 cups spinach
1 cup water
1 handful of plain cashew nuts (healthy and makes it creamier in consistency)
Add 1 tsp of any/all/none of the following maca powder, flaxseeds & goji berries, wheatgrass powder, chia seeds. All available online at Amazon – see link below.

How to prepare
Whizz it all up in a Nutribullet and you will have a delicious juice that will get you through to lunch without a need to snack and if it works for me, who is a serial snacker, then it should work for most people!

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