June 1, 2013

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

We had an impromptu BBQ at the weekend – well, it has to be done doesn’t it on those increasingly rare days when the sun decides to break through the grey clouds. Raided the fridge and larder for inspiration and came up with this which was, am glad to report, a bit of a hit with everyone:



INGREDIENTS   Serves 4 as side salad

Half butternut squash, cut into 1″ cubes

4 small red onions, each into 6 – 8 wedges

One pack frozen microwave rice (lazy I know, but so incredibly useful, so I always have a few in my freezer)

2 tbspns caraway seeds

Salt & pepper


Pop squash and onions into roasting tin and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle caraway seeds over and toss until ingredients glazed.

Roast on high heat for 30 – 40 mins

Microwave rice and put into a serving bowl. Mix in squash and onions and season well.

Can be eaten hot, tepid or cold – it’s delicious at any temperature.

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