Five spice duck breast with orange, mint and sugar snaps

May 30, 2018

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

OK, I freely admit my presentation would get me zero points on MasterChef, but this easy to prep and prepare dish gets top marks for taste. As duck breasts can be expensive, I buy them when they are on offer in the supermarket and freeze them.

Five spice duck breast with orange, mint and sugar snaps

Ingredients serves 2/3
2 duck breasts, skin on
Pak choi, 2 heads sliced
Small bunch asparagus
Handful sugar snaps
Clove garlic, finely chopped
Half red chilli, finely sliced
2 Spring onions, sliced
Handful fresh mint leaves
Large orange, zested and segmented
2 tspn Chinese Five Spice
Tbsp runny honey
2 tbsp dark soy sauce

How to prepare
Score the skin on the duck breasts and rub in the Chinese Five Spice powder. Season with salt and pepper.
Put the duck breasts skin side down in a large frying pan (no oil required) and cook on a high heat for five minutes until skin is crispy and caramelised. Turn over and cook for one minute. Then transfer the breasts into an oven proof dish and pop into a hot oven for 5 – 7 minutes (longer if you like your duck less pink). Then, MOST IMPORTANTLY (!) let the duck rest while you prepare the stir fry veg.
Add the pak choi, sugar snaps, asparagus and spring onions to the frying pan and cook on a high heat for a couple of minutes. Then add the garlic and chilli. Cook for another 3 -4 minutes until the vegetables are cooked but still crisp. Drizzle over the honey, orange zest/segments/juice and soy, add the mint and heat through.
Slice each duck breast thinly and serve with the vegetables, basmati or coconut rice, and sprinkle the rest of the mint on top.

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