Healthy Eating Via M&S’s New Plant Kitchen Range

January 4, 2019

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

OK. OK. I know we are all currently being inundated with articles about improving our health, losing weight, and getting fit(ter). Despite the bombardment of do-good articles, there is an underlying and undeniable wisdom about looking after ourselves, whatever the time of year. So, please indulge me when I say I would like to offer another recommendation regarding our health. That is, Plant Kitchen, M&S’s first ever vegan range.

I wouldn’t normally advocate ready made food but, hey, this is good old Marks & Spennies I’m talking about!

If you usually make everything from fresh, you may not have the strength of will to keep on the straight and narrow! From personal experience I know how easy it is to start adding less healthy components to meals after a few days of being ‘good’. Or you may be short of time – in which case excellent quality pre-prepared food might be just the ticket.

So, if you’re thinking of eating less meat and dairy, read on. These new M&S dishes include on-the-go sandwiches and grain bowls, hearty quick-fix suppers, and a no-beef burger, as well as staples like substitute mince and nut milks.

M&S promises us that there’s no need to worry about bland tastes as every one of the 50 Plant Kitchen dishes has been developed with a ‘flavour first’ mentality. So, for example, the vegan bolognese is enriched with miso for an intense depth of flavour and the pizza topped with jackfruit for a smokey taste and rich texture.

But here at CW HQ we don’t take anyone’s word for anything – even M&S. So Husband and I just tasted three of the Plant Kitchen range. First the Roasted Mushroom Stroganoff with cauliflower rice. Three mins in the microwave and it was piping hot and ready to eat. It smelled great and the portion was generous. It was very tasty but both of us felt the need for more salt and pepper. Definitely would buy again – delicious, filling and only 249 cals per pack.

Next up were the Sweet Potato Falafels with a cashew nut and cannellini dip. Oven baked for 8 – 10 minutes (I cooked ours for ten mins), there were eight good size falafels and the dip was moreishly creamy. My third choice from the range was our out and out favourite – Cauliflower Popcorn with a spicy buffalo dip. Loved the textures – crispy coating on perfectly cooked cauliflower.

Overall, Husband and I were impressed – as I think you will be too. Definitely a thought for your next shopping list…

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