Navarin of Lamb

April 27, 2018

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

To be honest, I can’t remember in detail why I was set on having an Aga in the new kitchen we were installing back in 2006, but twelve years on, I remain delighted with my decision and can’t imagine going back to cooking on a conventional cooker. Having done my research, I knew I was going to have to learn to cook in a different way, but I relished the challenge. Over the years I have learnt to adapt recipes to the Aga way of doing things. I have done this by trial and error and by attending Aga demonstrations by long established Aga cooks and experts like Sarah Whitaker. I have found it useful to write up some of my favourite recipes with tips on how to make them work in an Aga; this has resulted in my blog,

When cooler temperatures and rain put paid to our barbecue plans on Sunday, I decided to make Navarin of Lamb, a delicious braise which uses a variety of Spring vegetables. I didn’t have any of the baby turnips or carrots which are traditional, but knew I could make the dish with what I did have, and the recipe below is the result. Use any good veg you can find, using this recipe as a guide.

Navarin of lamb

Ingredients serves 4
600g lamb neck fillet cut into large dice
1 tbsp olive oil and a knob of butter
1 small onion, peeled and sliced
1 celery stick
1 tbsp tomato purée
Clove garlic, bruised
Sprig or two of thyme
Sprig of rosemary
1 bay leaf
100ml white wine
300ml chicken stock
225g baby new potatoes
100g carrots (baby carrots left whole or “old” carrots peeled and cut into thick batons)
150g frozen baby broad beans
150g frozen petits pois
How to prepare
Heat the oil and butter in a shallow, heavy-bottomed casserole on the boiling plate and add the onions, celery and pieces of lambStir for a few minutes to brown the lamb before moving the casserole to the simmering plate and adding some seasoning, the tomato purée and white wine. Let this bubble for a couple of minutes and then add the garlic, bay leaf, herbs and stockBring to the boil on the boiling plate, cover and place in the simmering oven for 1½ hours but longer would be fine: in an Aga nothing dries outAbout half an hour before you want to eat, place the potatoes and carrots in a saucepan with a little salt, a teaspoon of caster sugar, a knob of butter and 100ml of water. Bring to the boil on the boiling plate, cover and transfer to the simmering ovenCook the peas, drain and rinse in cold water so they retain their colourCook the broad beans, drain and rinse in cold water and slip off the skinsRemove the lamb from the casserole to a plate, discard the garlic, herbs and bay leaf and bring the broth to the boil on the simmering plate to reduce it a little.Return the lamb to the casserole and, having checked they’re tender, add the potatoes and carrots and finally the peas and broad beansTaste for seasoning, sprinkle with some chopped parsley and serve


Thanks to CW reader Annette Hardy for this lamb recipe


If you’d like to check out The CW’s other succulent lamb recipes – just click here

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