Noodles with Turkey and Hoisin

December 3, 2016

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

If I am absolutely honest I should tell you that, despite knowing it is wrong, Husband and I have been eating our supper on trays in front of (usually) Professional Masterchef.

This is silly for three reasons: firstly, we are not sitting up straight as you would on a dining chair which can’t be brilliant for our digestions. Secondly, we should be having a conversation rather than practising being couch potatoes. Thirdly, my food looks (and probably tastes) nothing like as good as those innovative dishes served up to Monica, Gregg and that delicious chef, Marcus (wolf whistles). Anyhow, that’s how it is in our house.

This is what we ate on Tuesday night – it was simple and so tasty that we unglued our eyes from the flatscreen to look at each other with approving glances as we licked our lips.

Noodles with Turkey and Hoisin

Ingredients serves 2
415 cals per portion

100g ramen noodles
100g green beans, halved
3 tbsp hoisin sauce
juice 1 lime
1 tbsp chilli sauce
1 tbsp vegetable oil
250g turkey mince
2 garlic cloves, chopped
6 spring onions, sliced diagonally

How to prepare
Boil the noodles following pack instructions, adding the green beans for the final 2 mins. Drain and set aside.

In a small bowl, mix together the hoisin, lime juice and chilli sauce. In a wok or frying pan, heat the oil, then fry the mince until nicely browned. Add the garlic and fry for 1 min more.

Stir in the hoisin mixture and cook for a few mins more until sticky.

Finally, stir in the noodles, beans and half the spring onions to heat through. Scatter over the remaining spring onions to serve.

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