Panfried salmon with really tasty veg

January 28, 2017

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

This Panfried salmon with really tasty cabbage is quick, healthy and satisfying. What more could we want for a midweek supper? Lots of vegetables and superb oily fish – ticks the boxes in our house!

Black kale would make a great alternative to cabbage. In truth, you could add whatever vegetables you have lurking in your fridge – in our case it was a slightly soft courgette (as they are apparently endangered, thought I had better not waste it!).

Panfried salmon with really tasty cabbage

Ingredients serves 4

Tin of anchovy fillets in extra virgin olive oil
2 large garlic cloves – finely chopped
Red onion, finely sliced
Red chilli, finely sliced at an angle
Red and orange baby peppers, deseeded and sliced
Olive oil
Half shredded cabbage
Tbspn capers
Half fat creme fraiche
Balsamic glaze
4 salmon fillets, skin on


How to prepare
In large frying pan (preferably the high sided type, or a wok) gently melt the anchovy fillets using the oil from the tin. Add the red onion, garlic, chilli and baby peppers. Once softened and taken on a bit of colour, add more olive oil as required and add cabbage and capers. Stir fry until cooked through – only takes a couple of minutes – then keep warm. Add a teaspoon of olive oil to another frying pan and add fillets skin side down. After a minute or so, once the skin has crisped up and turned golden, flip the fillets over and cook until the flesh turns opaque (usually another two or three minutes – slightly undercooked is tastier than overcooked!) Pile the cabbage mix onto warmed plates, pop a fillet on top and then a blob of creme fraiche drizzled with balsamic glaze.


Also see our Salmon Fillet with Braised Cabbage and Chorizo

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