Pheasant Curry – Extremely Easy, Quick And Tasty

January 25, 2019

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

I’m cheating again because we have friends coming to supper. I don’t want to be a) stuck in the kitchen for too long and miss all the fun or b) watched by our guests while I’m slaving in the kitchen (am unable to cook and chat at same time). So, I like to a) prep ahead as much as humanly possible, b) use easy recipes, c) cheat and d) not let my guests see that I am cheating!  Here is a very easy recipe for Pheasant Curry. Served with shop bought onion bhajis and lashings of dahl, microwaveable Basmati rice plus a few healthy poppadoms (see Cook’s Tip below). We followed this with a creamy but refreshing Mango & Cardamom Syllabub.

Pheasant Curry

Ingredients: serves 4

Jar of curry paste – about 4 tbspn
skinless pheasant breasts, cut into large bite-size pieces
½ tbsp olive oil
Tin full-fat coconut milk
Large handful fresh coriander, roughly chopped
Chilli, red, finely sliced
Sprinkling of ready made crispy onions

How to prepare

Rub the spice paste into the pheasant pieces and set aside to marinate for 10 mins.

Heat the oil in a large pan and add the marinated pheasant. Brown for a few min, then add the coconut milk and chilli. Bring to the boil and 
simmer for 5min. That’s all the cooking required – don’t leave for any longer as pheasant will be tough (she said, speaking from experience!)

Check the seasoning, garnish with fresh coriander and serve with Indian accompaniments as described above.

COOK’S TIP: Buy uncooked poppadoms but, instead of deep frying them, pop them (one at a time) into a microwave for 30 – 45 seconds each. They puff up beautifully and absolutely no oil involved. I believe they work out at something like 38 cals per pop.

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