Potato chorizo ‘tortata’

October 8, 2016

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Have decided to be frugal this week. Not going to the supermarket and getting tempted by all the clever neuro-scientifically planned tricks and ending up at the checkout with an overladen trolley and a massive bill. No, not this week. Instead I have made a list of everything in my fridge, freezer and storecupboard and seeing if I can use the majority of it by seeking out a few new recipes. This will make financial sense and should thrill Husband who won’t be getting the same old, same old for supper this week.

So, what to do with that half a chorizo and all those potatoes in my fridge? This super easy Potato and chorizo ‘tortata’ from Mr. Oliver that’s what.

Potato chorizo ‘tortata’ 

Ingredients serves 2
4 small waxy potatoes , scrubbed and cut into chunks
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
6 large free-range eggs
2 x 60 g iberico chorizo sausages , cut into 1cm thick slices
2 sprigs fresh rosemary , leaves picked
2 shallots , peeled and very finely sliced
1 lemon , juice of
extra virgin olive oil
1 bunch fresh flat-leaf parsley , leaves picked

How to prepare

This omelette is a cross between a Spanish tortilla and an Italian frittata. It’s Spanish because of the chorizo and potato, but a little Italian too because I like to finish it off in the oven instead of on the hob, so it puffs up like a soufflé. It has all the things I love in it – potatoes, sausage and eggs.

Preheat your oven to full whack, or get your grill nice and hot. Put the potatoes into a saucepan of boiling salted water and simmer them until cooked, then drain in a colander and leave them to steam dry. Beat the eggs with a fork in a large mixing bowl, season well with salt and pepper, and put to one side.

Heat a 20cm non-stick, ovenproof frying pan. Add the chorizo slices and the potato chunks. The chorizo will start to sizzle, releasing all its tasty oils and spices. After a couple of minutes, when everything’s lightly golden and crisp, remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and put to one side. Sprinkle the rosemary leaves into the hot fat. As soon as they hit the pan, they’ll start to crisp up. Pour the beaten eggs on top immediately, adding the potatoes and chorizo and spreading everything out evenly. Place the whole pan in the preheated oven or under the grill until the omelette is golden brown on top and just cooked through in the middle.

While the omelette is cooking, put the shallots into a bowl with the lemon juice, some salt and pepper and a lug of extra virgin olive oil. Toss and pinch the shallots with your fingertips to soften them slightly, then mix in the parsley leaves. Serve a little on top of the omelette and tuck in!

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