Quick cassoulet with toasted breadcrumbs

March 4, 2017

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Of course no one is saying that you couldn’t add slices of sausage or pieces of chicken to this dish. However, if you prefer not to, then this quick cassoulet recipe makes for a satisfying – and satisfyingly easy – veggie lunch or supper dish if you omit the bacon. As confirmed meat eaters, Husband and I relished ours topped with perfectly pink roasted and thickly sliced duck breast.

Quick cassoulet with toasted breadcrumbs

Ingredients serves 2
4 cabbage leaves
400g tin of cannellini beans
Handful cherry tomatoes, halved
Garlic clove, chopped
Olive oil tbspn
Shallot, chopped
Two slices of back bacon
Red onion, sliced
Rosemary, leaves from one sprig, chopped
Glass of white wine or water
Waitrose Lemon & Pepper Crust (breadcrumbs)

How to prepare

Heat the olive oil in a deep sided frying pan. Add the shallot, red onion and bacon and fry for 2 minutes. Then add the garlic, tomatoes, rosemary and cook for a further minute. Roll up each cabbage leaf and slice thinly and add to the pan and cook for another minute or so. Add the drained cannellini beans and the wine or water. Simmer for 5-10 mins. Toast the breadcrumbs by evenly spreading a couple of tablespoons onto a baking tray, cook for 5 – 10 minutes until golden and crispy, then sprinkle over the cassoulet.

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