Pan-fried venison with blackberry sauce

November 11, 2017

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Blackberries freeze well and so I always pick as many as I can each season. Always worth while taking a plastic bag on a walk and picking a few – they are free and brilliant served with meat, or frozen and made into crumbles during the winter months. I put them in a large bowl full of cold water, wait a few minutes until any debris/teeny insects float on the top, skim that off and then drain and pop, just as they are, into plastic bags and into the freezer. That said, the blackberries I forage are often quite small. So, I’ll sometimes lash out and buy a pack in the supermarket because they are usually much plumper and larger.
This recipe for Pan Fried Venison with Blackberry Sauce is quick and easy. As venison is a low fat meat, it is only 182 calories per serving. Definitely good enough to serve at a dinner party.


Ingredients serves 4
1 tbsp olive oil
2 thick venison
steaks, or 4 medallions
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
150ml beef stock (made with 2 tsp Knorr Touch of Taste beef concentrate)
2 tbsp redcurrant jelly
1 garlic clove, crushed
85g fresh or frozen blackberry

How to prepare
Heat the oil in a frying pan, cook the venison for 5 mins, then turn over and cook for 3-5 mins more, depending on how rare you like it and the thickness of the meat (cook for 5-6 mins on each side for well done). Lift the meat from the pan and set aside to rest.

Add the balsamic vinegar to the pan, then pour in the stock, redcurrant jelly and garlic. Stir over quite a high heat to blend everything together, then add the blackberries and carry on cooking until they soften.

Serve with the venison, buttery mash and some steamed broccoli.

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