Greek style canapés with Seed Soda Bread

July 1, 2017

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Grace and I recently went to Corfu and on one of the days we spent a delightful time learning to make some traditional Greek recipes under the tutelage of Vasiliki Karouno at her cookery school, Ambelonas, (click here for her website) including this Soda Bread.


Mixed Wholegrain & Seed Soda Bread

150g wholegrain spelt flour
100g rolled oats
50g ground flax seed
30g sunflower seeds
30g pumpkin seeds
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 tbspn extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp baking soda
230ml buttermilk or 150g yoghurt mixed with 100g milk or water
olive oil for working with dough

How to prepare:

Blend together all the dry ingredients except the baking soda.

Add the baking soda to the buttermilk.

Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well. After all the ingredients have been mixed together and you have a sticky dough, put some olive oil on your hands and shape the dough into a round and place it directly onto the baking dish which has been covered with baking paper. Put some slashes in the top of dough so that it cooks through.

Bake for 45 mins in 175℃ in a pre-heated oven or until the bread is a light brown colour.

For the canapés in the picture I sliced the loaf up into small squares and spread a dollop of Greek Yoghurt & Feta cheese spread (found on Ocado), a roll of smoked salmon and a sprig of dill.

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