Italian Polpetti Soup

January 20, 2016

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

I love soups that are a complete meal and this one ticks all the boxes as it is delicious, warming and perfect for a winter supper.


Ingredients serves 2
Marjoram chopped – 3 tbspn
Garlic cloves chopped – 2
Celery chopped – 1 stick
Carrot chopped – 1
Parmesan cheese, grated – 1 tbspn
vegetable stock cube – 1
Chopped tomatoes – 1 can 400g
Beef mince – 250g
Chilli flakes – ¼tspn
Conchiglioni pasta – 100g
Ciabatta – small loaf

How to prepare
Boil 600ml water. Very finely chop marjoram. Peel and chop garlic and celery. Peel carrot & chop into 1cm cubes. Grate your parmesan.

Heat 1 tbspn olive oil in a saucepan on medium heat. Add garlic, celery & carrots and cook for 5 mins. (Don’t let ingredients get brown.)

Add the hot water, stock cube and tin of tomatoes. Leave the mixture to bubble away while you make the polpetti.

In a bowl mix together of ⅔ marjoram and the beef mince. Mix in ¾ of cheese and the chilli flakes (to taste) as well as ¼tsp salt and few grinds of pepper.

Divid meat mixture into balls half the size of a 50p coin. Roll the balls on your chopping board to get them nice and round. Now add your pasta into the soup and cook for around 12 mins.

Heat 1 tbspn of oil in non-stick pan on medium-high heat. Cook the polpetti in the pan, being careful not to break them. When the polpetti have just browned off, remove from the pan. Don’t overcook as they will dry out.

Turn your oven to 100℃ and slice your ciabatta in half, before warming in the oven for 5 minutes. With 5 mins to go until pasta is cooked add polpetti into the soup.

Serve with a sprinkling of grated cheese and the remaining marjoram. Use your bread to ‘fare la scarpetta’ (this means ‘do the shoe’ in Italia, aka mop your plate clean).

Recipe came from Hello Fresh, the company that delivers recipes and all the ingredients to your door.

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