Smoked Mackerel Rillettes With Rye Crisps

August 18, 2018

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

This is such an easy starter, or snack whilst having a pre-supper drink. There are not too many people who would not enjoy this Smoked Mackerel Rillettes With Rye Crisps. I served it last night to a couple of friends who came for supper and they asked for seconds which is unusual for a starter!

Smoked Mackerel Rillettes With Rye Crisps

Ingredients: serves 4 as a generous appetiser or light lunch

8 – 12 thin slices of rye bread or ready-made rye crisps
200ml crème fraiche
2 tsp Dijon mustard
3 tbsp chopped chives
Squeeze of lime juice
½ tsp horseradish sauce (optional)
300g smoked mackerel
Freshly ground black pepper (hold the salt until you taste it, some mackerel is very salty)

To serve:
4 individual serving glasses
¼ small fennel bulb
½ apple
Freshly squeezed lemon juice
Fresh pea shoots

How to prepare:

If using rye bread, preheat the oven to 140℃. Slice the rye bread very thinly and place it on a baking tray. If the bread is too thick it will be hard to eat as crispy bread, so do make sure it is thinly sliced. Bake in the oven for about 10-20 minutes until completely dry. You can make it several days ahead and store it in an airtight container.

Mix the crème fraiche with the mustard, chives, lime juice and horseradish (if using it). Remove the skin from the mackerel and add the fish to the creme fraiche mixture. Stir until mixed well.

Check for seasoning and add black pepper to taste. Spoon the mixture into the serving glasses. Chill until serving.

When ready to serve, slice the fennel and apple very thinly, ideally using a mandoline. Add a squeeze of lemon to stop the apple going brown and mix well. Serve the apple and fennel with pea shoots, the mackerel and rye toast on the side. You may need extra toast as the mackerel makes a generous portion.

Lots more soups, starters and sides where this recipe came from. Click here to have a look.

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