Faux carbs: Cauliflower rice

November 12, 2021

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

This idea caught my attention when I saw this recipe on BBCgoodfood and a couple of other websites. Rather cleverly, it disguises cauliflower to look like rice – faux carbs. Bam, take that stodgy long grain, let’s ring the changes and eat something more healthy. Goes well with Pork & Baby Aubergine Curry.

Cauliflower rice

Ingredients serves 4
Medium cauliflower
Handful chopped coriander
Tbspn toasted cumin seeds

How to prepare
Remove the outer leaves from the cauliflower, cut it into quarters and remove most of the thick core, then cut each quarter into two or three chunks. You don’t want to overload the blender, or it will struggle to blitz the cauliflower, instead work with about half the cauliflower at a time. Blend for 30 seconds or so, until the cauliflower resembles fine rice.

Drizzle olive oil on a roasting tray and spread out the ‘rice’ in a thin even layer. Roast at 200C for 10 – 12 mins, stirring it on the tray halfway through cooking. Stir in the coriander and cumin seeds and serve.

You can also microwave this dish – there’s a useful article by BBCgoodfood here

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